Nathan Dailey
Discovery Visit, Physical Therapy
Nathan Dailey received his professional doctorate in Physical Therapy from Baylor University while serving on Active Duty as a US Army officer. While in the military, he was educated and mentored by the nation’s best orthopedic and manual physical therapists and researchers and began to develop his unique approach to rehabilitation. He integrates a hands-on manual therapy assessment and treatment with advanced strength training progressions appropriate for any ability level. He draws on 15+ years of strength training expertise as a strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer in addition to his advanced clinical training. He holds the distinction of holding the Orthopedic Certified Specialist credential as recognized by the American Physical Therapy Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS), something achieved by less than 7% of practicing physical therapists.
Dailey Recovery's Start
The idea for Dailey Recovery began as a desire to provide patients with high-quality one-on-one care. While serving in the US Army as an officer and physical therapist, Dr. Dailey faced operational constraints that limited his ability to follow up with his patients and modify their treatment plans. In civilian practice, he has seen restrictions in care imposed by insurance providers and the corporate "treat 'em and street 'em" rehab model. As he has been able to provide longer one-on-one sessions, he has seen his patients' pain and function more rapidly improve compared to the standard care model. Dailey Recovery is a chance to provide rehab treatment that focuses on the unique needs of the patient.
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Why You Matter
At Dailey Recovery, your recovery is my priority. I am dedicated to providing personalized physical therapy care by making an accurate diagnosis, matching treatment to your specific needs and carefully monitoring progress over time.